I level: Adept of Might
Uses Restorations potions, bandages and GH for healing. Delay for Restoration potion is 5 seconds. Weapon doesn’t drop when drinking Restoration potion. Restoration potion restore average 17 hp. DMG increased for 10% by Swordsmanship and Macefighting weapons.
When morphing into Berserker your Magic Resistance skill value will be increased to 100.0%. If you already had this skill at 100.0% – SP will be refunded.
Axe of Adept
DMG: 64-82
Speed: 7,5
Price: 800 credits, 50k gold
Mask of Adept
Features: AC equals to Crystal Plate Helmet (AC = 40). Regenerates 3-6 hp every 3 seconds (if Int >= 70).
Price: 800 credits, 50k gold
Maximum skill values:
- Magic Resistance– 107.0
- Swordsmanship – 110.0
- Anatomy– 105.0
II level: Barbarian
Delay for Restoration potion is 4 seconds. Weapon doesn’t drop when drinking Restoration potion. Restoration potion restore average 20 hp. DMG increased for 25% by Swordsmanship and Macefighting weapons. Accumulate Rage points (critical amount – 300 points).
Berserkers have innate ability to accumulate Rage points. Berserker accumulate Rage points proportional to received DMG, and spend them on DMG to victim. Amount of DMG depends on current Rage points amount. When berserker accumulate critical number of points – he becomes enraged (immunity to Paralyze and Paralyze Field spell effects) for 10 seconds. Berserker loses all accumulated points on enrage.
Barbarian Axe
DMG: 74-86
Speed: 7
Features: On critical strike – stuns target (Paralyze spell effect) and dismounts it
Price: 1700 credits, 100k gold + Axe of Adept
Barbarian Kilt
Features: Increases dex of Berserker (+5 dex), immunity to Weaken spell effect
Price: 1150 credits, 65k gold
Mask of Barbarian
Features: AC equals to Composite Plate Helmet (AC = 80). Regenerates 5-9 hp every 3 seconds (if Int >= 70).
Price: 1700 credits, 100k gold + Mask of Adept
Effect: Enraged Berserker is immune to Paralyze spell effect
Duration: 60 seconds
Cooldown: 900 seconds
Command: .fury
Price: 2000 credits, 100k gold
Maximum skill values:
- Magic Resistance – 110.0
- Swordsmanship – 115.0
- Anatomy – 110.0
III level: Berserker
Delay for Restoration potion is 4 seconds. Weapon doesn’t drop when drinking Restoration potion. Restoration potion restore average 23 hp. DMG increased for 35% by Swordsmanship and Macefighting weapons. Accumulate Rage points (critical amount – 300 points).
Ancient Avenger
DMG: 80-95
Speed: 6.5
Features: On critical strike – stuns target (Paralyze spell effect) and dismounts it
Price: 3350 credits, 185k gold + Barbarian Axe
Ancient Kilt
Features: Increases dex of Berserker (+10 dex), immunity to Weaken and Clumsy spell effects
Price: 1700 credits, 100k gold + Barbarian Kilt
Mask of Berseker
Features: AC equals to Magma Plate Helmet (AC = 130). Regenerates 6-12 hp every 3 seconds (if Int >= 70). Replaces Crystal/Magma set helmets.
Price: 2800 credits, 160k gold + Mask of Barbarian
Maximum skill values:
- Magic Resistance– 112.0
- Swordsmanship – 125.0
- Anatomy – 120.0
IV level: Elite Berserker
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